Monday, June 21, 2010

What to do if You're a Moron

Clearly I am sometimes an idiot.

Well, maybe occasionally more than sometimes.

Josh and I went to St. Lucia for our honeymoon.  By the way, St. Lucia is AH-maz-ing!  I will definitely have to post more about it and our adventures.  It is beautiful.  The people are incredibly nice.

Josh is very into photography.  And I think he's pretty good at it, too.  Granted, I do not have a trained eye in this field, but he did his brother's engagement photos and I think they were great.  So, naturally, he has an awesome camera.  Some of the photographers at the resort offered to trade cameras with him, haha.  Thus, we took a lot of pictures, especially when we were out doing things like zip lining, we took my not-as-nice little digital camera with us.  Not complaining- I love the camera, but it's no professional deal.

I took a bajillion pictures.

Now comes the I'm a moron part.

It's the last day of vacation.  Many, many pictures later.  I'm looking at the menu on my camera.

And you've guessed it- I have reformatted my camera.  All pictures GONE.  Deleted.  The end.

Well, crap.  Where's my dunce cap?

But apparently enough other people have done this that there is a market for data retrieval software.  Hallelujah!  All I have to do is pop my memory card into my computer and run the software and it's like magic- I get my pictures back!

So, if you are also sometimes a moron and find yourself in this predicament, I highly recommend the EASEUS Data Recovery software.  Although, I do hope that you are smarter than I am.

And now I look back at this and more recent posts and realize that I am an incredibly boring person.  Especially now that I no longer have crazy teaching stories.  So, thanks for sticking with me. ;)

More pictures to be posted soon, but I wanted to preview one of my favorites.  This was Josh's favorite guy. We kept seeing him everywhere at the resort.  He inspired Josh to make me swear never to let him do this.  Little does he know that I have so many more ways to embarrass him.  Hahahaha

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that I found your blog and I can't wait to see you in person!!!!!
