Monday, June 3, 2013

My First Quilt!!!!!!!!!

I finally finished a quilt! Finished. Finished. Finished!

As in quilt top? Done. Quilting? Done. Binding? Done. And gifted.

If you really want to feel my excitement, you should read Molli Sparkles' write up about his first finish. I don't think anyone can really explain it like Molli can. You can just hear his voice in his writing. And naturally, he will make you smile.

Quilt Front
Yes, I did start quilting (sort of) over a year ago following Rachel from Stitched in Color's Beginner Quilt Along. And yes that quilt top still sits unfinished.

But this one had a little bit of a deadline...that I definitely did not make.  But it lit a little fire to finish it.

Actually, this one was finished back in March, but I've not really gotten to sharing it until now. 

Quilt Back

If you can't tell, based on fabric choice, it's a baby quilt. It was made for my friend and Phi Mu sister's son. She was also one of my bridesmaids and I made the guest book for her wedding. 

I don't remember the finished dimensions (I may have written it down, I'll look), but it's close to a twin size. I like the idea of a quilt that can grow with the baby and has the chance of being used longer. They can drag it around with them as they grow, make a fort out of it, or play ghost wearing it over their heads. (Other people did that right? Not just me?)


It was supposed to be "gender neutral." Marty and her husband decided not to find out the sex of the baby until it was born.

Fortunately, Henry was a boy because I definitely think it reads more "boy" than "girl."

I definitely did not finish it in time for Henry's birth. 

In fact, Henry was born in July and I finished it and gave it to Marty in March. I tried! I promise!

That darn broken sewing machine and just running up against time got me. But at least Henry isn't 18, right? :)

I really enjoy the chance to make something handmade for someone. First, I think it really shows them that you care and love them to take the time to make them something.

Second, especially with quilting, which can take awhile, it gives me the chance to slow down and remember to pray for them. This is not me saying that I am the world's best "pray-er." I'm not. At all. But it reminds me to take some time to spend with God and pray for the health of the baby, and the health of the family, for the strength marriage that created this baby, and just for my friends.

Plus, it gives me the chance to reflect on some of the things that God is teaching me through this love of crafting He gave me.

This quilt is far from perfect. It is my first quilt. There are plenty of mistakes.

But when I gave it to Marty, that's not what she saw. She seemed so genuinely excited that I made it for her, for her son. (Which really touches my heart, by the way.) She saw the love I put into it, not the places I messed up.

That's how God sees me.

He doesn't see my imperfections, my mistakes, all the ways I could be better (and there are many, believe me). 

That's because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for me. He makes me perfect in God's sight.

So now for the quilty stats:

I made the quilt using: various fabrics from the Urban Zoologie line by Anne Kelle for Robert Kaufman, Large Chevron in Orange from Riley Blake, Lion Roar by Robert Kaufman, and some random orange fabric I picked up from Joann's

The binding is: Bermuda from the Remix line by Anne Kelle for Robert Kaufman. I quite like how it looks.

My quilt design is based on this quilt by Holly DeGrout at Bijou Lovely. She has a pattern available now, but in the comments section, she also tells people that they can probably figure it out mostly for themselves, which is what I did. It's not a difficult pattern, but it shows off big prints quite nicely.

 I quilted it with a wonky chevron pattern. I can only straight line quilt so far - no free motion, yet. And sewing perfectly straight is still being perfected. A wonky chevron hides a lot of things and matches the chevron fabric. :) I used a variegated yellow thread from Gutermann. 

I have a serious case of what my family would call "squinty eye" going on in this picture. It runs in the family. My grandma had it, my dad has it, I have it. 

Mr. Gardener felt it necessary to take a picture of me attempting to hang the quilt on the branch.

Man, it feels good to have a quilt done. And I have to say that I'm pleased with the results. I have a couple more getting close. :)

To celebrate, I thought it appropriate to link up with my friend Molly from Still Being Molly's YOLO link-up. You really should, too.


Also linking up with All Things Pretty at My Fashion Forward


  1. Would love for you to share this at my linkup where we pin all those who join to our party board

  2. Awesome job! It is beautiful and I love the fabric.

  3. Wow Ashleigh this is fabulous! You have a gift and you use it well! I just wish you lived closer to me so you could teach me! Blessings, Susan
