Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Works in Progress Wednesday 5

Making major strides on my Bloom Bloom Pow quilt.

Finished piecing the "starter blocks," cut them up into triangles and pieced the triangles together in half hexagons.

I should take more pictures between steps, just for my own benefit to see the progression, but I get excited and have to keep going.

More in the stack, but I decided I didn't need to spread them all out for photographing at this juncture.

I think I'll be done soon. At least with the quilt top.

Eye spy with my little eye, something Phi Mu related!

Can you see it?

Bloom Bloom Pow Quilt-Along at Freshly Pieced

New fabric arrived for my next endeavor.

Actually, I think I'll be working it concurrently with a couple of other projects.

I just love the bright colors. While I do like the look of solids in quilts, I love bold pattern so much that I couldn't resign myself to just solids. So, that hot pink zebra print? Yeah, that's for the backing. :)

More bright zebra print. That's for the back of the Bloom Bloom Pow.

Yes, it will be loud and proud.

I'll explain it, but I have to wait.

The lime dots are for the binding. A smidgeon tamer. :)

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Also linking up with Kelly for Needle and Thread Thursday


  1. Your half hexagons look so fun!

    I love all the vibrant, rainbow-colored fabric.

  2. Loving your project so far!
    Also great stash! ;-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  3. Your Bloom Bloom Pow is going to be great! You should hop over and link up to Needle and Thread Thursday tomorrow!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

    1. I'm so glad you shared your awesome projects! Thanks for linking up!

      :) Kelly

  4. Dropped by from My Quilt Infatuation - that's an awesome quilt, I haven't seen that design before and your fabrics are just great with it :)
